Tree Warden
The Tree Warden for the Town of Charlotte is appointed annually by the Selectboard. His or her duties are only on Town land, including Thompson’s Point, the Town Green, Mutton Hill, Walley Woods and town planted trees in the rights-of-way. The removal or pruning of trees within the Tree Warden’s zones of authority require permission of the Tree Warden. A draft Shade Tree Preservation Plan is currently under consideration by the Selectboard. If approved, the Plan would reaffirm the traditional authority of the Tree Warden to protect trees within the public right-of-way.
The Tree Warden and Deputy Tree Wardens are supported by a cadre of helpers who make up the Town Tree Stewardship Team. These are all volunteer positions.
Emerald Ash Borer
Under the auspices of the Tree Warden the town has developed an Emerald Ash Borer Preparedness and Management Plan. This plan addresses the threat posed by EAB, which is projected to eventually kill 99.7% of ash trees. It encourages the preservation of specimen ash trees on public and private land and calls for the preemptive removal of ash trees in the public right-of-way that would pose a hazard when dead.
Champion Trees
The Hamilton Champion Tree Roster is a list of the town’s largest trees by species. It is named after the late Tree Warden, Larry Hamilton. The list is maintained and periodically updated by the Tree Warden program.
Memorial Trees
Larry Hamilton started a tradition of tree planting in honor of, or in memory of, people with ties to the Charlotte community. Private citizens can donate funds and assist in the selection and planting of these town trees. The Memorial and Specially Dedicated Trees are documented on a list, and will eventually be included in the ongoing inventory work.
Tree Mapping
Mapping the town trees is another Tree Warden initiative undertaken with the support of the Urban and Community Forestry Program. There are several maps that have been developed. The Charlotte Public Tree Inventory was created in 2016. There is also a map of the approximately 450 trees that have been planted on roadsides throughout Charlotte. The Map of Roadside Ash Trees shows the locations of ash trees on public property and public rights-of-way. This map has been used to guide planning and execution of the preemptive removals of potential hazard trees.
Tree Planting
Roadside trees may also be planted on private property. This is encouraged when planting just beyond the right-of-way is a healthier location because of utility wires or roadside ditching or snow removal that might interfere with the tree’s development. In these instances, the Tree Warden will consult with the property owner and enter into a tree agreement to share responsibility for planting and maintenance of the tree. If you might be interested in the program, please let the Tree Warden know.