Application Forms & Documents
Certificate of Compliance - A Certificate of Compliance (C.C.) verifies that a property complies with all of the town's Land Use Regulations and has no outstanding violations. A C.C. may require a site inspection.
Certificate of Occupancy - A Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) is required to close out a zoning permit Upon approval by the Zoning Administrator, the C.O. verifies that the structure conforms to the approved plans of the original permit and is suitable for occupancy.
Farm Structure Exemption - Planning on building a new farm structure (barn, greenhouse, stable etc.)? Complete and submit this form to Planning & Zoning to document whether your plans comply with setbacks, and qualify for an exemption from a zoning permit.
Zoning Permit Application - This is the permit required for many building projects, accessory apartments, certain land uses (e.g., projects involving more than 300 cubic yards of fill), pools, etc. If you are uncertain whether you need a zoning permit, please contact the Zoning Administrator.
Abutters Form - List of property abutters to be included with all applications.
Appeal Application - To appeal the decision of the Zoning Administrator or Development Review Board.
Boundary Adjustment - An adjustment of boundaries between adjacent lots where no new lot is created.
Conditional Use Application - Conditional use review is for proposed projects or uses that require Development Review Board (DRB) approval. Projects requiring conditional use approval vary by zoning district. Please refer to Chapter II, Section 2.3, of the Land Use Regulations to see if your project requires conditional use approval.
Project Review Sheet - For all projects that require review by the Development Review Board.
Route 7 Scenic Overlay Questionnaire - For projects in the Route 7 Overlay District.
Shoreland Seasonal Home Management District - For projects on Thompson's Point.
Site Plan Review / Site Plan Amendment Application
Sketch Plan / Subdivision / Subdivision Amendment Application
Variance Application - Variances may be sought when an applicant proposes a use or structure that does not conform to the Land Use Regulations (e.g., building within a setback).
Vermont Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES) Certificate
Vermont Owner/Builder Disclosure Statement
Vermont Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) Standards
Highway Access Permit - A Highway Access Permit (HAP) is required for all driveways, entrances, curb-cuts, and approaches (i.e., access points) within the right-of-way of a town highway. No construction may take place until the Town has issued a permit, which is reviewed and approved by the Selectboard.