Charlotte Cemetery Commission

The Charlotte Cemetery Commission is a volunteer organization comprised of dedicated supporters.  Our main focus is the maintenance and conservation of our Town Cemeteries: the West Burying Ground (aka Barber Hill) on Greenbush Road, the East Burying Ground (on Spear Street), as well as a number of smaller family plots around town.

As Charlotters, we believe in the cultural and historical significance of these landmark graveyards. We know that our community is enriched by the lives and deeds of the people who settled here before us. In honor of those founding families, their foresight and hard work, we strive to maintain their stone monuments and their earthly remains which have been entrusted to our care.

Please join the Commission by working as a volunteer, becoming a Commissioner, and/or supporting our efforts at budget time. To offer your assistance or to request appointment to one of the commission vacancies, please contact us


Information on individual Charlotte Cemeteries & Useful links:

Purchase a burial plot: The Town of Charlotte currently has no plots available in our two town cemeteries (Barber and Bradley).  Other options:
            Morningside Cemetery 
            Grandview Cemetery: Paul Lawrence:

Search for burials in Charlotte or worldwide at Find-a-Grave:
            General search by cemetery name:

Search for information on persons buried in Charlotte:
            Vital Records 1857- present: Town Clerk's Office
            Charlotte Historical Society:
            Charlotte Library: