Regional & State Resources

Age Well Vermont (comprehensive services for older Vermonters)

Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity / Chittenden Community Action

Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission

Chittenden Solid Waste District: (info on trash disposal, recycling and composting)

Efficiency Vermont: (current energy-efficient heating, cooling and appliance rebates)

Howard Center: (mental health and wellness services for children and adults)

Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce

Lewis Creek Association

State of Vermont Website: Information on all Vermont state agencies and programs

Vermont 2-1-1: (helpline to access community resources)

Vermont Land Trust

Vermont League of Cities and Towns


Some helpful State of Vermont links 

Office of Veterans’ Affairs

Vermont Health Connect: state health plans for those without access to employer health insurance or other programs

Vermont State Legislature 

Vermont State Tax Website: file a return, request an extension or a Homestead Declaration, make payments, or check on the status of your return.

VERV: Vermont Emergency Response Volunteersign up to help your neighbors in emergencies